
Several suggestions of refractories in China exported to Japan

As people’s awareness of environmental protection and the implementation, some new environmental regulations in the future, not only the requirements of zero discharge of waste refractory material itself, but also the requirements of the refractory material used in Skateboard the process, give full play to the refractory effect at the same time, produces no environmental pollution and harm to human health of hazardous substances. For example, some Japanese well-known large companies (including Mitsui shipbuilding and Nippon Steel etc.) are actively involved in the development of the manufacturing technology of waste incineration furnace. In order to reduce the dioxin content in garbage incineration furnace gas by discharge of, is now generally by increasing furnace burning temperature method to solve the. Because the furnace burning temperature increase, erosion rate of refractory materials to accelerate, make the refractory shorten service life. The best way to increase the burning furnace refractory life, aluminum chrome refractories is the use of high chromium content. But the use of aluminum chrome Refractory  fiberrefractories will remain six chromium harmful in the slag and waste refractory material, resulting in the pollution of the environment. Therefore, at present Japan are developing new refractories for furnace burning.
Add a few suggestions of refractories in China export to Japan, because Japan’s sustained economic recession since 1995 and the appreciation of the yen, the Japanese iron and steel enterprises to reduce production costs, improve the competitiveness of steel products in the international market, the major steel companies have increased the volume of imports of refractories, refractories so Japanese imports surge. 1997 has reached 167204t, which imports from China accounted for the total amount of 72322t, the import of refractory 43.3% in Japan

