
How to solve the problem¬-excess industry capacity of refractories

According to professional statistics, last year six refractories companies net profit amounted to 368,733,900 yuan, down 28.58%. And has announced a five-quarter net profit fell 20.54% in total. In response to this phenomenon, the
industry stakeholders believe that although China introduced the relevant policies to improve the refractory industry and disorderly development of backward production capacity problems, but excess capacity and insufficient demand in the short term is difficult to resolve the contradiction, refractories industry is still is not optimistic about the state. To solve this problem, refractory industry should develop in the following two direction.

First, improving the industry concentration the past 10 years, although China's refractory industry has achieved good results, has become the world's largest producer, consumer and exporter. But even so, the former world ranked 10 refractories business sales, there is no Chinese enterprises. Many professionals believe that the reason for this phenomenon is that the current production capacity of China's refractory industry has been transformed into a comprehensive surplus from structural surplus, market disorderly competition, low prices; order chaos by industry self-regulation is difficult to reverse. In this regard, Refractories Association drafted a "refractory industry access", was designed from the layout, process equipment, production scale, product quality, energy consumption, environmental protection aspects, utilization, safety and other enterprises to improve Refractories income threshold. This is conducive to improve the disorderly development of the industry.

Second, the increase in receivables, improve profit margins

According to the survey, in 2012 sales revenue of China's refractories business, profits have declined. 2012 slow recovery of global economic, the downstream industry downturn, lack of demand; intensified competition within the industry, resulting in some refractory product sales prices down. Many industry professionals said, because of the refractory industry and downstream enterprises are mainly non-ferrous metals such as steel and building materials industries, today's economic slow recovery, downstream firms are also facing serious overcapacity, insufficient demand phenomenon still persists, This gives the refractory industry has brought great impact, making refractories enterprises excessive competition, prices are low and thereby shrinking profit margins. Therefore, the increase of trade receivables, improve profit margins is particularly important.


Recent Status of graphite industry

Graphite is most common in marble, schist or gneiss, due to its special structure, with many features high temperature resistance, thermal shock resistance, electrical conductivity, lubricity, chemical stability and plasticity,
is the modern industrial and military high, new, sharp technological developments are an important strategic resource. Experts had said, "The 20th century was the century of silicon, the 21st century will be the century of carbon."

From the distribution of resources situation exists, Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas, Oceania has a graphite deposit, but the Asian production of graphite most. According to USGS statistics, the world's graphite resources proved reserves of approximately 84 million tons, of which China reserves of 64 million tons, accounting for 74% of the world's total reserves. 2010 global production of about 925,000 tons, of which China output of 600,000 tons, accounting for 64.9% of global output. Due to the lack of regulatory industry disorderly competition leads to serious waste of resources. However, this situation is expected with the implementation of access conditions change.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, in 2011 the major downstream industry needs in the graphite refractory crucible 33% (China more than 40%), casting and steel manufacturing accounted for 26%, 7% of the brake lining, battery and lubricant 5%, 29% for other purposes.Access conditions put forward, "Twelve Five" period, based on domestic demand, and strictly control the incremental, focusing on optimizing inventory, actively adjusting structure, promoting mergers and acquisitions, increased industrial concentration. 


The method applies to prolong the life of ladle refractory castable in our country

Extended service life, can save money and bring benefits. Since the conditions of use of extremely harsh refining ladle slag line site and cause serious erosion of the containment wall parts ahead of
refractory castable become so damaged the main reason for its life. Quality of life of refractory castable ladle also plays a decisive role.

Ladle castable ladle development to improve life, to overcome the shortcomings of the brick type play a good effect. The current development has a water glass ladle castable
combination of aluminum and magnesium, aluminum - spinel castable, but with the development of the outer casting and refining technology, the former has been unable to meet the current development of many steel smelting technology needs.

In industrialized countries, the popular use of aluminum - spinel castable. Although this material long life, but at the tabular alumina, alumina and industrial grade synthetic magnesia spinel, alumina cement and other raw materials, the price is expensive. Most of our current domestic economic strength of steel without the use of expensive high-end ladle castable, however, China has abundant bauxite resources and using both synthetic alumina spinel raw materials, these materials are developed ladle castable suitable for China.


Tube furnace hearth repair methods

Tube furnace lining around the city were damaged in different places at different damage repair methods, in order to extend the life of the furnace lining and prevent damage caused by accident lining repair parts and methods are as follows:
Refractory furnace wall seams and cracks or damage repair: available Indefinite push play refractory repair,
repair large range of use charcoal drying.
Furnace wall repair methods Tube furnace furnace repair methods sidewall damage or a small range of erosion: Clear slag, the residue of iron coated with sodium silicate. Then add 5% -6% sodium silicate refractories beat mixed patches, irregular refractory repair. Tube furnace when the furnace wall eroded slightly larger range, then put the patch.

Furnace bottom repair methodThe bottom of the tube furnace, the inclined portion of the side wall of burning or damage repair method: Patch is available at the bottom of the furnace and new brickwork adding the same amount of boric acid and mixed uniformly fixed tube furnace refractories.


How to produce high quality castings

To produce high quality castings, first need to study the factors affecting the performance of cast iron, which is how to improve the purity of molten iron smelting: How to get good graphite morphology;
chemical composition fluctuation range control study to solve the problem of technical control parameters and to study what the purpose of melting method.
Hot metal purity control:
  1. Oxide-oxide inclusions generated by burning;
  2. Melting of the oxygen produced by melting holes;
  3. The sulfur content of the control to prevent the generation of sulfur co-crystal;
  4. Phosphorus content control to prevent phosphorus eutectic generation;
  5. Limit the amount of trace elements in less interference.

Molten iron smelting process control:

  1. Molten iron oxidation control:
  2. Eliminate hereditary graphite, graphite good shape;
  3. Control of chemical composition fluctuation range, accurate chemical composition;
  4. Molten iron smelting temperature control;
  5. Select the appropriate device and method for melting the best system.


How to choose the refractories

How to choose the refractories
Refractory varied, variety, when we should try to buy when the refractory choose the most suitable, and often the most appropriate
Is not necessarily the most expensive, but also can save us from a fee.
1.       According to high-temperature kilns required refractoriness to buy: refractoriness of 1580-1770 degrees refractory to ordinary election,
the degree of refractoriness need 1770-2000 election advanced refractory, refractoriness above 2000 degrees you need Select grade refractories.
2.       According to the chemical properties of high-temperature furnace to buy: There are three general, acidic refractories, neutral refractories, basic refractories, be sure to select the corresponding chemical properties of refractories, otherwise chemical changes occur at high temperatures, causing serious losses.
3.       According Uses Optional: Different different industries have need of refractories, refractory different position with different refractories, refractory steel with steel industry; non-ferrous metallurgical industry refractories. Refractory Petrochemical petrochemical industries. Glass kiln, cement kilns, ceramic kiln with silicaterefractories; generating boiler power industry refractories; waste incineration with melting furnace refractories.
4.       According to pre-assemble the results to buy, under normal circumstances, we require manufacturers to provide pre-assemble refractory effect, which can calculate the required specifications and quantity of refractories. At the same time we must choose refractory samples provided by the manufacturer, so that by the time of delivery can be kind of receipt, to avoid shoddy version.
5.       Branding issues, and now thousands of refractories manufacturers, big and small. If you buy the special requirements and special purpose refractories can find a Sino-foreign brand manufacturers, or specifically to do this special refractories manufacturers, of course, the price will be more expensive than domestic brands about 20%. General Refractories can choose to domestic brands, while some of the information depends on the manufacturers,
for example, whether through the ISO certification, business licenses, etc., you can also look up the Internet, or to inquire about nearly brought down the industry in which manufacturers use refractories.
6.       Service. To select more recent service outlets factory, so if an exception occurs in the brickwork, the manufacturer's technical staff can quickly arrived at the scene to avoid further loss. There are warranty issues. Under normal circumstances, the first year you have any questions, manufacturers must free one-year warranty.

7.       When determining the purchase generally need to pay a deposit, if it is convenient to go to the manufacturers should look at the way manufacturers look at the size, strength, and to avoid being defrauded false deposit.