
Refractory material for petrochemical furnace

Chemical and petroleum industry is an important field of application of refractory materials. Due to the thermal furnace more complex operating condition. Therefore, the need for various types offirebrickrefractory materials was selected to fit their specific application conditions. Here, select some of the more prominent examples of special applications for some simple instructions.
(1) Refractory materials for carbon black fuel furnace. In order to improve the production efficiency and the reaction degree, the reaction temperature must be increased in order to improve the production efficiency and the reaction temperature. Again. To produce hard carbon black, but also the need to improve the reaction temperature. In particular, the production of long-life, rolling wear small tires need more hard carbon black, the reaction temperature to reach 2000 ~ 2100 DEG C, which requires more refractory material and adapt.
(2) Slag gasification device. It is well known that the gas industry is widely used in refractories. The operating temperature and pressure of the refractory material used in the gasification equipment arenozzleextremely harsh, and the operation temperature and pressure are high: the slag belongs to the acid slag which has very strong corrosion resistance. At the same time, there is a highly corrosive gas. Refractory materials used for high resistance to acid slag corrosion can be used to obtain high life.
(3) The oil cracking unit: the operating conditions in the catalytic cracking unit are the most demanding operating conditions, including high temperature and high pressure. The refractory material used in the catalytic cracking unit is required to have high wear resistance and low thermal conductivity so that the two contradictory properties.


New building materials-Basic refractory

Alkaline refractory materials mainly refers to the oxidation of magnesium, calcium oxide as the main component of the refractory, the alkaline slag has a strong anti – erosion ability. Including fire brick magnesia brick, magnesia brick, magnesia chrome brick, dolomite brick (see magnesia brick).
Commonly used is brick. Containing magnesium oxide 80% ~ 85% of magnesia brick, on the basic slag and iron slag has good resistance, refractoriness than clay brick and brick. Mainly used in open hearth furnace, oxygen converter, electric furnace, non-ferrous metal smelting equipment and high temperature equipment.
Characteristics of basic refractory materials
Inorganic non metallic materials with fire resistance higher than 1580. Refractoriness refractory cone specimen under no load, resistance to high temperature and not softening melting downrefractory brick Celsius temperature. Refractory materials and high temperature technology, which originated in the middle of the Bronze Age. In the Eastern Han Dynasty has made China kiln firing porcelain material and with fireclay refractory sager. At the beginning of twentieth Century, the refractory materials were developed in the direction of high purity, high density and ultra high temperature, and there was no need to burn, and the energy consumption is small. Modern, with the atomic energy technology, space technology, new energy technology development, with high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, thermal shock resistant, resistant refractory material erosion comprehensive excellent performance has been applied.


Refractory material in steel making system

The steelmaking system includes a converter, electric furnace, furnace, ladle, ladle and tundish. Ladle and tundish is an important auxiliary equipment of the steel making furnace, and also the most important equipment for the use of refractory materials.
refractory BrickIn the converter and electric furnace, the general use of refractory spray paint repair, the method is manual cast refractory materials, wet, dry or flame spraying and slag splashing furnace, etc…
In the electric furnace, the dry vibration material of the refractory material, the pre cast or cast in place or the furnace cover: triangle area and other parts are better use effect.
In the converter, the widespread adoption of slag splashing furnace maintenance technique and the service life of furnace can reach more than 10000 times; outside furnace refining furnace are more, the RH process and the method of DH degassing device insertion tube lining of the body, generally with high aluminum refractory  material is poured into a whole, the service life is 20-80 times.