
Refractory material for petrochemical furnace

Chemical and petroleum industry is an important field of application of refractory materials. Due to the thermal furnace more complex operating condition. Therefore, the need for various types offirebrickrefractory materials was selected to fit their specific application conditions. Here, select some of the more prominent examples of special applications for some simple instructions.
(1) Refractory materials for carbon black fuel furnace. In order to improve the production efficiency and the reaction degree, the reaction temperature must be increased in order to improve the production efficiency and the reaction temperature. Again. To produce hard carbon black, but also the need to improve the reaction temperature. In particular, the production of long-life, rolling wear small tires need more hard carbon black, the reaction temperature to reach 2000 ~ 2100 DEG C, which requires more refractory material and adapt.
(2) Slag gasification device. It is well known that the gas industry is widely used in refractories. The operating temperature and pressure of the refractory material used in the gasification equipment arenozzleextremely harsh, and the operation temperature and pressure are high: the slag belongs to the acid slag which has very strong corrosion resistance. At the same time, there is a highly corrosive gas. Refractory materials used for high resistance to acid slag corrosion can be used to obtain high life.
(3) The oil cracking unit: the operating conditions in the catalytic cracking unit are the most demanding operating conditions, including high temperature and high pressure. The refractory material used in the catalytic cracking unit is required to have high wear resistance and low thermal conductivity so that the two contradictory properties.

