
High quality of steelmaking deoxidizer

1. Steelmaking deoxidizer mainly silicon, aluminum, barium, calcium, manganese and other active metal as the main element.refractory powder
2. Smelting process is suitable for all kinds of special steel and stainless steel
3. The use of high-quality deoxidizer provided that the quality of steel, iron alloy with cheap price, in order to reduce the cost of steel. The deoxidizer has high activity, strong reduction, characteristics of slag speed, can quickly promote CaO slag, rapid deoxidation, desulfurization, shortening the reduction time, improve the recovery of alloy elements.


Comprehensive understanding of various acid-base refractories

There is a kind of important properties — acid-base properties of many physical and chemical properties of refractory materials we must fully understand.
Acid refractory material determines its using temperature environment, anti slag corrosion ability, refractory Brickrefractoriness under load, changes in the volume after repeated burning and thermal shock resistance. A comprehensive understanding of the acidity of the refractory material can achieve the best material, be just perfect use.
How acidity refractory material? Acid refractory usually refractory SiO2 content greater than 93%. Basic refractory materials generally refers to the refractory material to Magnesium Oxide or Magnesium Oxide and calcium oxide as the main component. The main characteristics of acid refractories is erosion resistant acid slag at high temperature, but easy to react with alkaline slag. Acid refractory materials are commonly used silica refractory bricks and clay bricks. Silicon refractory brick is siliceous materials silica containing more than 93%, raw materials used in silica, silica refractory bricks, the acid resistance of slag erosion ability, fire brickhigh refractoriness under load, the volume does not shrink after repeated burning, or even a slight expansion; but vulnerable to the erosion of basic slag, thermal shock resistance difference. Silicon refractory brick is mainly used for thermal equipment of coke oven, glass kiln, acid furnace etc.. Clay refractory bricks with refractory clay as the main raw material, containing 30% ~ 46% of alumina, is a weak acid refractories, good thermal shock resistance, resistance to acid slag, wide application. Basic refractory refractory degree is higher, the ability to resist the strong alkaline residue. For example, magnesia brick, magnesia chrome brick, magnesite chrome brick, magnesite, dolomite brick, forsterite bricks etc.. Mainly used for basic steelmaking furnace, smelting furnace for non-ferrous metal and cement kiln etc.


Characteristics of magnesium products in refractory materials

Refractory materials include brick can be divided into five types according to the composition of components: silicon aluminum products, magnesium, magnesium, chromium products series products of magnesium and calcium, magnesium and silicon products products. refractory blockIn this five kinds of refractory products in four kinds of magnesium, therefore, it’s necessary we understand characteristics of magnesium products in refractory materials.
1. Magnesium chromium series products: the main components of chromium series magnesium is MgO, Cr2O3, periclase for the first phase, magnesia chrome spinel for the second phase, belong to this series of products with magnesia chrome brick and magnesia chromite brick;
2. Mg Al series products: is the main component of MgO, Al2O3, because they MgO.Al2O3, mg Al series products contain magnesium material;fire Brick
3. Magnesium calcium series products: the main ingredient is MgO, CaO. They have a high melting point, is an important magnesia material;
4. Magnesium silicon series products: the main components of magnesia line is SiO2, when C/S < 5, SiO2 and MgO to generate MgO.Al2O3 (olivine), from the micro mineral angle, the main products of pure aluminum series of magnesia refractory brick, periclase spinel brick, corundum spinel brick, amorphous aluminum spinel castable material of magnesium also belongs to.


The application of ceramic fiber refractory material

Application of ceramic fiber refractory material widely, now to introduce its is mainly used to:
  1. The door of various insulation industrial kiln mouth seal, curtain.
  2. The high temperature flue, wind tube bushing, expansion joint.Refractory  fiber
  3. Petrochemical equipment, containers, pipelines and heat insulation, thermal insulation.
  4. Under the environment of high temperature protective clothing, gloves, helmet, helmet, boots.
  5. Automobile engine porcelain heat shield, heavy oil engine exhaust pipe package, Speed Racer composite friction brake pad.
  6. High temperature liquid transfer pump, compressor, gas and valve packing, gasket.
  7. High temperature electrical insulation.
  8. Fire doors, fire curtain, refractory blanket, then spark with cushions and insulation cover fire sewing products.
  9. Aerospace, aviation industry with insulation, insulation materials, friction brake pad.
  10. Cryogenic equipment, containers, pipelines, heat insulation package.
  11. The high-grade office archives, vault, safes and other important places of adiabatic, fire compartment, fire automatic shutter


Technology requirements for refractory of ladle

With the development of steel-making technology, ladle is not only the container transportation of molten steel, but also bear the molten steel processing and refining function. With the development of steel residence in refining, ladle time prolonged, molten steel temperature increased, and accompanied by strong stirring, vacuum treatment, arc heating and the slag erosion, puts forward higher requirements for steel tundish refractory:refractory brick
  1. Dense layer formed a semi molten state under high temperature, and reduce the slag sticking;
  2. A swelling must in the process of using, thus to form a whole, not cracking, spalling; especially the bottom of the bag can not because of shrinkage cracking cause fall off;
  3. Ladle as the intermittent operation, through high temperature cooling — repeated thermal cycling, fire brick must have good thermal shock resistance and spalling resistance;
  4. In order to maintain the cleanliness of molten steel in ladle, ladle should have good corrosion resistance, high temperature to minimize the refractory material into the molten steel;
  5. From the economic point of view, requirements of ladle lining construction of a good performance and reasonable price. Lining refractories from amorphous to amorphous materials products