
The selection of castable should focus on products cost-effective

Now with some heating furnace and increase the number of metallurgical equipment, peoplefire brickneed to use in the production process to Tianjin castable such products, which mainly showed granular or powder, widely used in these devices, its mobility is very good. With the improvement of the production technology, superior in quality is more and more secure. In this case, the use of materials with refractory properties in this continuously under a wide range of conditions, how to improve the product purchase need to pay attention to the price is a lot of problems in the process of industrial production, to improve our use of demand.
First of all, the better quality products, must be able to fully guarantee the products we need quality, has good fireproof effect, make our product has very good practical value. We choosecastable
this kind of Tianjin casting material production enterprises need to be very careful, because of the particularity of this kind of  refractories in the composition and use, need to use of the technology is still relatively high, a little mistake may cause problems on the use, especially this kind of product in the production, storage, if not able to pay great attention to the process of transportation and use, it may cause some security hidden danger, the development of the entire production process is negative. So the quality should be put in the first.
Second, product price is very reasonable. At present has the ability to produce this kind of Tianjin casting material manufacturers are also a part of, according to the manufacturers and some of its usage, we can measure how well each manufacturer’s product price and we need to pay the prices in this process, also includes transportation costs, by contrast, choose to create a higher performance price ratio.


Refractories for iron and steel furnace

Since the 21 century, the production line of the rapidly expanding, together with changes in coal quality, as well as the influence of environmental protection and a series of conditions, some large and medium-sized pre collapse kiln during the production process, especially the basicfire brickrefractories by different degree of damage, affecting the steel furnace operation cycle, has become an important condition control steel kiln operation rate.
Now, heavy pre collapse kiln (Nissan and over 5000 tons of furnace) basicrefractory material used, its important commodities magnesia spinel brick, magnesia chrome brick, dolomite brick and magnesia zirconia brick series, while the domestic mainly magnesia spinel brick and magnesia chrome brick.
1. magnesia spinel brick
Magnesium spinel refractory brick common is the use of pre spinel and combined magnesium material synthesized by mixing, forming and firing is made, another way is to add compound aluminum in magnesium compound, during sintering synthesis of spinel. The greater use of the market is made first modes of spinel brick; the brick has good thermal shock stability, thermal chemical corrosion of high ability, important for transition zone.firebrick
2. magnesia chrome brick
Direct the conclusion of magnesia chrome brick has high temperature resistant performance good, SiO2 corrosion resistance and anti chemical reduction effectiveness. High intensity and have high and anti stress ability of the machine, coating with good performance, many used in the sintering zone.
3. magnesium dolomite brick
Magnesium dolomite brick is the raw material through organic concluded agent forming and firing. Magnesium dolomite brick has the following advantages: with the chemical stability and the gas of iron and steel clinker; high refractoriness; easy to hang and kiln crust; the price is cheaper. So, in foreign magnesium dolomite brick with more, but it is more easily liquefied.
4. magnesia zirconia brick
Magnesia zirconia brick has good using prospect, but because of the high cost, the spread was limited.