
Furnace refractories and kiln car refractory

Furnace refractories  including and kiln wall top, generally divided into three layers, the inner layer is a light cotton insulation, felt, plate, the middle layer is heavy or light insulating brick, 炮泥1outer with red brick or low temperature heat preservation brick based. The inner layer of the light insulating layer is a rapid development in recent years, with the temperature of mullite fiber, both high temperature mullite fiber, high alumina mullite fiber, containing zirconium mullite fiber from each system, temperature 1200 C ~1600 C. In the fiber is used in the process of wire drawing, silk, blowing process. The inner layer is also useful for lightweight mullite, high aluminum light brick or board, with lightweight alumina, mullite hollow spherical brick as the main body. Heavy material middle still use the heavy material with low aluminum high silicon, high aluminum low silica, mullite and cordierite, mullite materials such as coke gemstones and made mostly from. Low temperature refractory material outer layer mainly bauxite, coke gemstones, clay and other production, relatively lowRefractory Fiber Boardtemperature resistance performance of the aluminum content, poor but low price.
Kiln car refractory kiln car surface, the kiln car frame, load bearing board, saggar, except the basic architecture of the kiln car surface material, the rest of the material referred to as kiln furniture materials. Kiln car refractories and furnace wall materials are basically the same. Kiln material according to different situations with mullite, high alumina mullite, cordierite, mullite – cordierite, SiC, oxide combined silicon carbide, silicon nitride bonded silicon carbide etc… In addition to the above materials, modern ceramic kiln cannot be ignored is the roller kiln ceramics sticks, now have aluminum oxide ceramic stick, silicon nitride, silicon carbide, silicon infiltration of recrystallized silicon carbide, silicon nitride bonded silicon carbide etc.. The kiln roller building sanitary ceramics sticks to high alumina based.


Access threshold for the refractories industry

The Ministry website news, in order to strengthen the management of  refractory  material industry, and guide rational investment, accelerate structural adjustment, change in mode of development, refractory Brickpromote the healthy and sustainable development of refractory materials industry, the ministry organized the preparation of the “refractory material industry access conditions” (Draft), is to solicit opinions from the public.
It is reported, the draft from the production layout, technology and equipment, quality management, clean production, energy saving and comprehensive utilization, production safety and social responsibility, supervision and management and other aspects, in refractory material industry of the access specification. Draft pointed out, strict control of new capacity, in principle, to rely on the existing refractory materials production enterprises, through a joint reorganization, the implementation of equal or reduction replacement, carry out technological castabletransformation, promote energy-saving emission reduction, the promotion of the production and use of unshaped refractory materials, the optimization of the industrial structure, improve the production concentration.
Datong securities investment consultant Zhang Cheng think, refractories industry set admittance threshold, will reduce duplication of investment, avoid small enterprises rushing headlong into mass action, helps to promote the orderly development of refractory industry. “Strict control of new capacity, through a joint reorganization, the implementation of equal or reduction replacement” expression, fully explain the industry supply will be controlled, the industry is expected to set off the upsurge of M & an integration. Therefore, refractory materials leading enterprises is expected to benefit from it.