
Refractory performance requirements of blast furnace trough

The performance of blast furnace trough refractories used what are the requirements? According to introducing, blast furnace trough is leads to high temperature molten iron or slag channel. In the production process to the following destructive effect subjected to several factors:
fire brick(1) Said the intense erosion and erosion refractory material withstands high temperature molten iron and slag flow.
(2) The chemical erosion of blast furnace slag.
(3) The destruction of action of thermal shock and intense intermittent iron.
Therefore, the requirements of trough lining refractory material to have the following characteristics:
(1) Trough lining stronger anti high temperature molten iron and slag corrosion and erosion ability of refractory materials.
(2) With anti high temperature performance and excellent wear resistance.
(3) The chemical erosion of stronger anti high temperature slag.
(4) Better thermal shock resistance, small changes in heavy firing.Refractory  fiber
(5) Against various oxidative ability stronger.
(6) Easy construction, convenient for disassembly and repair, does not produce harmful gases, is conducive to the Protect environment.
Xinmi Changxing refractory experts introducing the construction method, in addition to the use of blast furnace spray paint, blast furnace ramming material, by using the method of vibration molding or casting molding trough. When using these two methods can not dismantle the trough residues lining, making full use of original trench lining, thereby reducing the consumption of refractory material, at the same time, to improve the working conditions of construction. In order to prolong the service life of iron trough…

