
The causes and prevention methods of refractory brick cold burst

Refractory brick is to cold and hot, will burst, burst, the reason is very simple, when the cold and hot temperature, which burst due to thermal expansion and contraction, prone to refractory brick burst including following several types of refractory brick.
1, refractory brick minerals quartz, tridymite, cristobalite composition, due to thefire Brick temperature change and also accompanied by quartz crystal type conversion, volume change, so the refractory brick thermal shock easily burst.
2, refractory brick by brick and magnesia chrome brick, due to thermal expansion coefficient, when the thermal shock, prone to burst.
Methods of prevention of refractory brick burst:
1, using the insulating fire brick, the insulating refractory brick has the function of heat insulation refractory brick inside, low and stable, is not easy to burst.
2 avoid cold and hot, slow heating and cooling is effective in the prevention of refractory brick burst.
3, the selection of heat coefficient is relatively high, refractory brick toughness is good, can reduce the probability of burst.

