
Notes on using anhydrous stemming

The anhydrous stemming mainly used in tadpole, but out of the mouth of the clay gun susceptible to iron slag erosion and chemical erosion, caused by the slag iron out not only, but also prone to iron mouth fracture, leading to iron out the tadpole accident. So we in the use of anhydrous stemming must pay attention to:
炮泥1, pay attention to insulation. The general insulation at 20-60 degrees Celsius advisable, winter use the gun mud roasted in the fire soft use beside the gun can be used, after baking gun measures 2, do not mix with water use, not to install mud gun water, performance or lost anhydrous stemming.
3, to change the mud to bore in the clean water stemming, clay loading quantity according to the requirements of the iron mouth, usually with water stemming amount of 1/5 or 1/4, that is 80-120 kg.
4, open iron, iron mouth eye size should be appropriate, to ensure that the tapping time, generally for diameter should be 60-80 mm.
5, plugging tadpole, don’t immediately returned gun, 10-20 minutes back gun, in order to prevent iron mouth blown open.
6, the use of water stemming, manufacturers can also be treated according to its own characteristics, in order to maintain taphole, ensure safety in production.

