
Refractory castable pan plasma phenomena and preventive measures

Floating pulp is soft layer material in refractory castable surface float bleeding caused by cement. Pan-refractory castable refractory slurry refers to the construction process, castable  refractorydue to vibration or ramming, and in refractory castable surface layer of light float dilute slurry phenomenon.
Refractory castable watering to condensation period, due to urinary has caused the phenomenon of floating pulp. Bleeding refers to solid particle sinking, the water rose, refractory castable settlement shrinkage, and the surface of the phenomenon of water. The main reason of castable refractory bleeding is due to aggregate sinking phenomenon caused by. A small amount of bleeding can also prevent the refractory castable surface drying too fast, convenient for surface finishing. A lot of Pan pulp is bad, a lot of Pan pulp will produce a large number of readily peeling “powder”, some rising water will be gathered in aggregate below, refractory castableafter hardening become void, appear weak adhesive tape, reduces the bending strength of castable refractory. In the template and interface, bleeding when the cement slurry away, leaving only the aggregate, appear “grit” phenomenon, the strength decrease.
The primary ways to prevent excessive bleeding is to prevent excessive bleeding, the water reducing agent, air entraining agent to reduce the castable amount per unit volume of water, is the effective measures to improve the properties of castable refractory bleeding. The performance of cement, the material also has effect on the bleeding. Improve the fineness of cement, mixed with some fine admixture or ultrafine powder, can reduce bleeding refractory castable.

