
Unshaped refractory --refractory mud introduction

Refractory clay is also called exothermic or joint material (powder material). Used as a refractory masonry building materials. By materials can be divided into clay, high alumina, and silica and magnesia refractory mud. Composed of refractory powder, binder and additive. refractory clayRefractory raw materials can be made for almost all of the powder used to compound the fire clay. With refractory clinker powder and the amount of plastic clay as binder and plasticizer and made known common refractory clay, its strength at room temperature is low, formed at high temperature ceramics with high strength. Water, gas or heat hard binding material as the known chemical bond with refractory clay, below the form ceramic with temperature before that produce a certain chemical reaction and hardening
Selection of refractory slurry material, should consider and refractory masonry material consistent. Refractory clay except for building materials can also be used to smear method or spraying method is used as a protective coating of the lining of the body.unshaped refractory
Mud properties and application of fire:
  1. good plasticity, easy construction; high bond strength, anti erosion ability; high refractoriness, up to 1650 ± 50 ℃; anti slag is good; 5, good thermal spalling. Refractory clay is mainly used in the coke oven, glass furnace, hot blast furnace, and other industrial furnace.
  2. the application of industry: metallurgy, building materials, machinery, petrochemical, glass, boiler, electric power, iron and steel, cement, etc…

