
Skateboard brick classification

Skateboarding refractory bricks are casting function, widely used in electric furnace, converter, ladle refining furnace and continuous casting tundish slide gate system. As molten and flow control switch mounted on the bottom of the ladle and tundish, exposed to a high temperature of about 1600 chemical attack of the molten steel, and a pressure of dozens or even hundreds of tons of liquid per ton of time. Therefore, the requirements skateboard brick with high temperature strength, excellent corrosion resistance, anti-erosion resistance and thermal shock resistance.
Meanwhile, in order to realize the function of opening and closing the flow of steel, brick skateboard sliding surface flatness and parallelism and dimensions must strictly comply with the requirements. Skateboard brick quality directly affect the safety of steel equipment and field operations personnel in the event of skateboard switch failure, rupture and other accidents, resulting in an outflow of molten steel, the consequences could be disastrous.

Material skateboard into high aluminumbrick, aluminum carbon, aluminum zirconium carbon three kinds; divided by the production process is not dipping, dipping, retorting three kinds; By physical and chemical indicators into HBL-55, HBLT-65, HBLT-70, HBLT-75, HBLTG-65, HBLTG-70, HBLTG-75 7 grades.

