
Green Refractories - Cement Industry Transformation

Strong cement kiln refractory way to go green development, to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the cement industry to provide security services. Cement industry increasingly homogeneous competition incentives, in order to remain invincible in the fierce market competition, the need to strengthen security of supply, efforts in the management, strict cost control, propulsion meticulous management is the inevitable choice.
Refractories directly affect the operation of the furnace refractories, refractory cement enterprises are increasingly high requirements, pay more attention to quality and service, the traditional concept of price as the most important gradual changed.Currently a large group is more concerned about the high cost. Advocates around the industry and market demand, development of the industry also began refractory transition gradually transformed from a single manufacturing enterprise integrated service businesses, solutions-based business, product quality and service quality refractory more attention. By optimizing the quality and configuration of refractory extend its life, can greatly improve the operation rate of the cement production line, cement companies to reduce production costs, for the creation of value.
  • Life is closely associated with the operation rate of the kiln refractories. 1995 "cement kiln refractory Use Regulations" (Trial) proposed kiln firing zone of six months, the transition zone 12 months. In actual use, the firing zone is generally 6-10 months (an average of about eight months), when firing with 10 months of the transition zone 12 months, the operation rate of the kiln will be greatly improved. This means that four years can reduce an overhaul, general overhaul to stop the kiln for 15 days, then increase the operating rate of 3.75 days / year.
  • Optimize quality refractories, will help improve the production line of clinker production. By 2011 the national annual pre-kiln clinker 1.182 billion tons computing (average daily production of 3.24 million tons of clinker), clinker production line if the average yield increased by 1%, the annual production of more than 12 million tons of clinker, the annual savings 1390000 tons of standard coal and reduce CO2 emissions from 3.5 million tons. 
  • Refractory quality optimization and life extension, effectively saving refractory cement plants use fees.
    According to incomplete statistics, China's cement kiln refractory consumption per tonne of clinker average of 0.4kg ~ 0.45kg, the advanced level of 0.3kg. Alkaline brick firing zone is used, for example, if the country's pre-calciner kiln firing line with the basic bricks used to extend the two month period, the annual savings from 9 to 10 billion yuan, about the rest of the types of refractories 3 to 400 million yuan, a total of about 12 billion yuan.
  • Refractory quality optimization, help to improve clinker strength. In general, the intensity of clinker and clinker C3S content relevant, under the same conditions for the same raw material and fuel production kilns, clinker temperature when each increase of 4.5 , the clinker C3S content increased by 1%, with the increase of intensity upgrade. And one key to improving the clinker temperature refractory brick kiln improve performance by increasing the clinker calcination temperature (can be increased by more than 10 ), thereby increasing the intensity of clinker and clinker C3S content.
