
Open Egyptian Refractory Market with Our Best Sell Product — Silica Ramming Mass

refractory castableAs per invitation of Egyptian client, our sales manager and engineer went to Egypt on 4th December, 2015, and stay there for 2 weeks. Our clients steel plant is located in Giza city, about 1 hour far from Cairo. Out of space limit, our clients are using 3T induction furnaces now. They built the CCM in October and when our colleagues arrived there, the working condition was still very bad. Considering the heat consumption is very heavy when transporting melting steel from induction furnace to ladle and tundish, temperature of output melting steel should be as high as 1720-1740 degree centigrade. Sometimes the CCM did not work well, keeping melting steel temperature more than 2 hours was very frequent.
This client bought 24 tons of our silica ramming mass in November. This product is our best sell during the past year 2015, which is mainly designed for induction furnace. When we helped the client do lining for their induction furnace, we could only make the lining thickness as thin as 80/110/200mm. Under this hard condition, our silica ramming mass successfully reached 15 heats. Furthermore, this product is also widely used for building lining of tundish and ladle. If any interests, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our professional team will give you more details.
Await for your corporation!


Technical Innovation of Carbon Brick for Blast Furnace Hearths

Possessing with the excellent corrosion resistance and high thermal conductivity which can lead to easily form a protective layer for blast furnace hearth, carbon bricks have been used as refractory material for hearths for more than half century.
fire brickTo further improve its performance, the refractoryexperts have carried out many investigations recently. Finally, they find out some main reasons which caused the damage. They are including as below.
1) The penetration of molten iron into pores.
2) Erosion due to direct contact with molten iron (dis-solution by carburizing).
3) Embrittlement of the material on hot side (loss of cooling capacity).
In order to enhance its corrosion resistance, the experts have developed new technology to get new refractory carbon brick through numerous experiments.
  • Add the aluminum oxide which has a good resistance to molten steel.
  • Reduce the pore diameter to prevent the penetration of molten steel and other impurity items.
  • Enhance the high thermal conductivity to reduce the surface temperature.
  • Add the TiC to improve the corrosion against molten steel, increase its viscosity and slow down the flow which could effectively reduce the damage on carbon brick.


The Best Refractories for Induction Furnace — 25+ Heats Silica Ramming Mass

In recent years, silica ramming mass is widely used in induction furnace. Compared with traditional refractory lining material, this product is of lower cost, shorter sintering time and castable  refractorybetter working condition.
To offer clients better refractory products, we have successfully developed our 25+ heats silica ramming mass. As per actual working, we summed up the material consumption as following.
  1. First heat: 10-15mm
  2. Rest heat: 3-5mm
As per our experience, we should leave 70mm as save level. So if the
lining thickness is 180/300/450mm, we could promise the least service life of ourrefractory fire brickmaterial to be 25 heats. If the working condition is convenient, 30-40 heats is no problem.
Furthermore, our silica ramming mass can also be applied in tundish and ladle. Service life can namely be 48-60 hours/ 200+ heats.
Because of the great advantages as above, our silica ramming mass is very welcomed by our clients all over the world say Bangladesh, Ghana, South Africa, and Indonesia, etc. If more interests, please feel free to make us informed, our professional teams are ready to give you our reliable service. For new clients, we would offer more preferential as following.
  1. Lower price trial order
  2. Professional refractory technicians overseas service
Therefore, what are you waiting for? Take your phone and contact us!


How to distinguish the quality of the refractory brick

In general, according to the contents of various chemical compositions and their functions, it is divided into three categories, which are the main components, impurities, and the added ingredients.
firebrickThe main component of the refractory brick is the majority of the material, the high temperature properties of the chemical composition of the decisive role. Refractory brick why can have excellent resistance to high temperature, and many refractory materials and characteristics? Completely or basically according to the contents of various chemical components in the refractory materials and its role, usually the main components, impurities and the composition of the three types of.
Impurities are those in refractory material in different principal component, content of fractional and high heat resistance properties of the refractory often bring the harm of chemical composition. This chemical composition is mainly composed of the raw material in the entrainment and come.
The main component of the refractory brick is the majority of the material; the high fire brick temperature properties play a decisive role in chemical composition. Refractory brick has good resistance to high temperature performance, as well as many refractory materials and their own characteristics, completely or basically depends on the principal components. Therefore, the main ingredient of refractory materials must be fully paid attention to. Usually on refractory materials according to the chemical composition and classification, and on many of the same material refractory material is divided into several levels, is mostly according to the main components of the kinds and content of the amount. Can be used as refractory materials are main components with a high melting point high lattice energy or high temperature decomposition of elements or compounds.
The price of refractory brick should be determined by the type of refractory brick, which is based on the type of output and the type of refractory brick.


High temperature compressive strength of refractory

The high temperature compressive strength of refractory materials is the maximum pressure that can be under at high temperature of 1000~2000, which is expressed by N/mm2. Thefirebrickcompressive strength of refractory materials is obviously changed with the increase of temperature. When the temperature rises from the constant temperature, the temperature decreases linearly with the increase of temperature. Since then, some of the material is still with the temperature rise and continue to fall; some when the temperature rises to a certain range, then with the temperature rise and rise, and at a specific temperature to give the highest value, followed by a sharp decline.
The change in the high temperature and pressure strength of the refractory products is controlled by the change of the matrix or the combination of the matrix or the combination of the material in the material. In general, composed entirely of crystal sintered refractory materials, due to high temperature which grain and grain boundary prone to plastic deformation, especially when the loading rate is easier to produce plastic deformation, so the strength with increasing temperature decreases. When some of the crystalline phases or thefire brickphases of the crystal phases melt at high temperature or form a molten body, the intensity of which is often intense. When the refractory materials except contain crystals, also contains a certain amount of glass phase, such as brick, clay brick, high alumina brick, the matrix is mainly composed of a glass phase composition, with the increase of temperature, such multiphase material strength due to structure decreased with the temperature changes. However, when the temperature is further improved, the viscosity of the glass phase is changed from brittle to strong toughness, so that the material particles can be combined more firmly, so that the strength can be improved obviously. Then, when the temperature continues to raise, the viscosity of the melt decreases sharply and the strength decreases sharply with the melt viscosity. When the refractories contains a certain amount of change with temperature, the strength of the product will be corresponding to the temperature increase.


Introduction and usage range of refractory clay

Also called fireclay refractory mud or joint material. Supplementary materials for masonry of refractory products.
炮泥According to the material can be divided into clay, high alumina, and silica and magnesia refractory mud. Made of refractory powder, binder and additive. Almost all of the refractory raw materials can be used to prepare the powder used in the preparation of refractory mortar. With refractory clinker powder and appropriate plastic clay as binder and plasticizer and made called common refractory mud, low room temperature strength, high temperature formed ceramic combination has a higher strength. The combination of water hardness, gas or heat, as the binder of the binder, known as the chemical combination of refractory mud, in the formation of a certain chemical reaction and the formation of a certain chemical reaction. The granularity of fire resistance varies according to the use requirements, its ultimate size is generally less than 1mm, and some are less than nozzle0.5mm or more.
Selection of refractory mortar material, should be considered and the masonry of the refractory products consistent. Refractory clay addition
The coating can also be used as a protective coating for the lining of the material.
Characteristics and application of refractory clay: 1, good plasticity, easy construction, 2, bonding strength, corrosion resistance, 3, fire resistance, 50, 4, 1650, anti slag, good invasion; 5, thermal spalling. Refractory mud is mainly used in coke oven, glass furnace, blast furnace, other industrial furnace.
The industries are: metallurgy, building materials, machinery, petrochemical, glass, boilers, electric power, steel, cement, etc…


How to avoid the problem of the use of refractory brick in the gasifier

Refractory brick in the running process of the gasifier has also occurred in oxygen loadfire brick fluctuation and sometimes oxygen control valves will be caused by the variation in oxygen load, sometimes large particles will suddenly stuck valve of high-pressure coal slurry pump, slurry
flow suddenly dropped caused by the amount of oxygen relative excess. Oxygen fluctuations directly after temperature fluctuations caused by oxygen, the fluctuation range is 500m3 ~ 600m3 sometimes, reaches a maximum of 1000m3. After the sudden rise in oxygen, resulting in a sudden rise in temperature suddenly burnt under high temperature thermocouple. This situation of refractory brick influence is big, should be avoided as much as possible. First of all, we all know that the furnace temperature is very important to the life of the refractory lining, so it should be strictly controlled not over temperature. Under normal production conditions, the surface of refractory bricks have a layer of coal layer, in fact, slag layer is dynamic, low temperature slag layer is thick, the high temperature slag layer is thin, the appropriate thickness of slag layer can slow erosion refractory Brickof high temperature gas and slag.
Coal water slurry gasifier of refractory brick requirements than to heavy oil stove of raw materials requirements of refractory brick is much higher; the main reason is the slag on the refractory penetration and corrosion. The replacement of the firebricks that penetrate the thickness of 10mm ~ 20mm, penetration, and its strength decreased obviously. High temperature erosion intensified. According to introduce the relevant information, especially the operating temperature more than 1400 DEG C when etching effect is increased exponentially, so in daily operation, often pay attention to the temperature changes, timely discovery and deal with the problem, security of refractory bricks use period and number of times, is very effective to reduce the cost.